Mobile Compare

Mobile Compare offers an easy to use tool to help you decide on which mobile network and handset is best for your needs.

Following the NZ Commerce Commission report in 2022 which has been trying to encourage competition in the mobile sector Global Compare Group has responded with plans for Mobile Compare. The new website, due to launch in the final quarter of 2022 will help consumers compare mobile network plans and plan features and prices.

Mobile Compare is being created to help consumers distinguish the main features and benefits of the different handsets and manufacturers in the increasingly confusing world of smartphones. With even the most basic smart phones now offering a plethora of features, Mobile Compare will help people source the needs and 'nice to haves' on their next phone purchase.

The future of Mobile Compare

With three major networks operating across New Zealand and a number of smaller mobile phone companies reselling across these networks NZ Compare has identified the need for a dedicated New Zealand mobile phone comparison website.  The Commerce Commission has reported that there is a patent need for a quality mobile comparison tool in New Zealand and Mobile Compare is being designed to take the effort out of finding the best mobile tariff for your budget with all the features you need to connect with the world. The custom search algorithm will find exactly what you are looking for and return accurate, trustworthy search results based upon your needs. By including all of the network providers AND the network resellers we will be able to provide you a comprehensive result meaning you can select the right product, at the best price.

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